Automaton X by Taher Jaoui
Title: Automaton XX
Size: 100x75cm
Medium: Oil on canvas
Year: 2022
This original artwork is part of the exhibition Art Pride by Gallery OZ
French, b. 1978, Taher Jaoui’s dense abstract canvases combine an array of artistic influences, from the bubbled contours of cartoons and roughshod linework of graffiti to the all-over compositions of Abstract Expressionism and spare forms of Cubism. Jaoui’s compositions are cluttered with circles, boxes, bubbles, and thick color fields in hues ranging from tonal schemas of neutrals and blues to rainbow-like chromatic blends. Jaoui intuitively creates his layered paintings, comparing his compositional process to that of dancing with a partner. Jaoui has exhibited in New York, Berlin, Hong Kong, Dubai, Johannesburg, Tunis, Miami, Beirut, and Seoul, among others